Monday 27 February 2012

Assorted Musings

Hello there!  I've had all manner of problems getting any blogging done, since Blogger has seemingly stopped supporting the version of Internet Explorer installed on a large proportion of the public access PCs provided by the Hampshire Library Service. Since it seems to have decided to work on this PC (running IE08) and not on the last few I've used (running, I assume, IE07) I'll take this opportunity to type a few lines.

On a personal level I've very little to report, lots of assorted Emails coming in, but none offering jobs/interviews/shedloads of unsolicited cash etc.  I'm still attending A4E's Job Club, which provides, as I think I mentioned, a really good opportunity to concentrate, undistracted, on getting those applications in.  I had a one-to-one meeting with my advisor, Emily, this morning (the main topic of discussion was 'other areas of employment that might suit me'.)  Unfortunately, only ever having been a 'software dude' I'm really at a loss to know what these may be!
Meanwhile, over at North West Hampshire JC we had a very interesting, enjoyable and informative presentation from Siobhan Lovatt of "Your Mind Your Body" (once we'd got over the technical problems raised by trying to link a MacBook to the overhead projector, to show her Powerpoint slides!) 

Siobhan Giving Her
First Ever Presentation 
Siobhan, a hypnotherapist, gave us some valuable insights into how 'cognitive distortions' and negative thinking can adversely affect the image we present to the world (and, in our specific situation, prospective employers).  Since, (according to Siobhan's source material) only 7% of received meaning from speech is verbal, she stressed the importance of the right mindset, and hence the right projected image, in approaching the interview situation. (No, I'm not going to quote the source - what do you think I am...Wikipedia?)

1 comment:

  1. It was one of those occasions when one needed to be there.
