Monday 20 February 2012

Admin - the bane of my life!

I have taken the completion of my new CV, and the coincidental arrival of A4E in my life, as the trigger for the application of a 'new broom' to my job search.  On this basis, as I think I mentioned previously, I cancelled my accounts with quite a number of online agencies. I've also removed myself from even more mailing lists and cleared out all manner of out-of-date clutter from my email account.

This left me with my trusty trawl, which returns, in one weekly email, (based on my very specific search criteria), more than enough job opportunities for me to apply for. 

So far so good! 

However, every application made from this list goes through a source agency, which requires registration details before the application can be processed.  Each of these agencies, and (it seems) anyone to whom they give access to data, then send out all manner of communications based on their (highly dubious) interpretation of my requirements.  Thus I'm back at square one, with an in-box so full of agency-related communication that sorting the wheat from the chaff (to avoid pouring the baby away with the bathwater) is in itself a major undertaking. (Hello my name's Les, and I'll be mixing your metaphors this evening!)

If I weren't an impecunious Job Seeker I'd quite seriously consider employing an admin assistant!

While I'm moaning about agencies, there are also the (fairly regular) phone calls beginning  "Hi Les, this is (unintelligible) from (indecipherable) recruitment.  I've just found your CV on line, and wondered if we could go over a couple of points?"

After repeating precisely the information contained in said document, I'm then informed, somewhat sniffily, that "All our employers are looking for recent commercial experience in (select programming language), but we'll keep your details in case anything comes up."  I'm left feeling that I've somehow wasted their time!

Is it just me?

1 comment:

  1. Les, it seems to me that everyone needs to justify themselves. Bite your tongue and humour them. They might be on the dole if they didn't have you to verbally molest.
