Wednesday 15 February 2012

A couple of things I forgot to mention....

It's just occurred to me that I failed to mention my main source of trepidation before starting my involvement with A4E.  This was the confirmation letter for my first appointment, which came addressed to 'Mr Jordan Leslie' and started 'Dear Jordan'.

At this point, I must confess, I was other than brimful of confidence in the level of professionalism I might encounter.

My fears were, as I hope my previous posts have described, entirely unfounded, and I'm very pleased with the positive start I feel I've made in this relationship.  (I do hope this hasn't been spoiled by anyone at A4E reading this and taking umbrage!)

On a largely unrelated note: when I recently told an acquaintance that I was writing a blog, their response was to ask which paper it was in! Hmmmm......

Incidentally, I've just noticed that the spell checker in this text editor doesn't recognise the word 'blog'!  More hmmmm.....

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