Monday 6 February 2012

Still here!

Greetings gentle reader! Many apologies for neglecting you - I always seem to be busy when the library's open, and I rely on it for my Internet access. Also, I've spent what little computer time I've had redoing my CV - the new version's now been made available for my fellow job-clubbers' comments before I set it free to sink or swim in the big wide world.

Last Thursday's job club meeting featured a stimulating presentation by Trevor Bettel of Remote Team Network Ltd ( They provide an 'introduction service' to link up skilled UK based freelancers to companies requiring remote (on-line) project work, covering any discipline that lends itself to a computer-based methodology. They also offer a wide range of additional support services, which are probably much better left to their own website (see link above) to describe.

Also present was Brian (whose surname I'm afraid I either forget or never knew) who acts as our link to the real world, ensuring that along with our hi-falutin' ideas, we remember the value of good old-fashioned newspaper searches and footslogging in job-searching.

Despite all the blandishments of those espousing the joys of the self-employment/contracting route, I still my future in direct employment, so I guess I'm just going to have to throw the infant new CV in at the deep end!

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