Friday 16 March 2012

What WAS I thinking? (OFF TOPIC ALERT!!)

I woke up suddenly at about 03.00 this morning with the word "GALAXY" burned across the front of my brain. 

Having checked for, and dismissed, a sudden desperate chocolate craving and/or some sort of seizure, I did a spot of rational thinking (as best I could!) and realised I'd used the phrase 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe'.  I may never be able to hold my head up again in the company of my (equally sad) peers!

My excuse is that, whilst typing, I had quickly checked the synopses to check that the appropriate section wasn't in 'Life, the Universe and Everything'.

Having decided that I wouldn't stoop to revisionism by simply amending the previous post, I can but say "mea culpa!"

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