Thursday 22 March 2012

Joined-up thinking

As I understand it, a large part of the reason for my being on the government's 'Work Program' is that A4E have taken over, from the Job Centre, responsibility for overseeing and monitoring my job search. 

A4E have repeatedly declared themselves happy with what I'm doing on a day-to-day basis, while they help me to put into place a longer-term plan, identifying my transferable skills and hence other suitable employment options.

This (apparently totally satisfactory) activity involves my making numerous on-line applications for C++ systems development positions, which, by their very nature involve going through multitudinous layers of  agencies without, in most cases, uncovering the true identity of the potential employer.  Quite a lot of this takes place under the direct supervision of my A4E adviser, at their weekly Job Club.

I present details of this search (along with the reference numbers of jobs I've applied for from the Directgov website) as my 'evidence' at the Job Centre when I sign on.  Why is it then, that at this point I'm still met with: "Yes, but what actual companies have you applied to?"?

Is just a hint of 'singing from the same hymnsheet*' really too much to ask?

*Other sources of religious/secular lyrics/music are widely available!

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