Tuesday 17 January 2012

A blogging I will go!

So, after much procrastination, I decided that yesterday would be the day I would finally get around to starting to post to my jobsearch blog (brought to the world with the kind cooperation of North West Hampshire Job Club - of which much more later - link at top of page!)

This was, however, not to be, as I ended up spending the day hunting down my JSA (Job Seekers Allowance) payment, which had not arrived in my account. After much time listening to (I think) Spring from Vivaldi's Four Seasons, eventually a nice young lady informed me that 'Your automatic payment seems not to have gone through!' (I'd never have worked that out for myself!) The upshot was 'up to three working hours' waiting for a call from 'my colleagues in the payment office'.

Turns out that because HMRC have finally got around to sorting out my Child Tax Credit claim, this flagged up as an anomaly on my Jobseekers claim. The upshot was I got the payment just in time to not do much Job Seeking or blogging.

Right, thats that off my chest - next time, dear reader perhaps I'll get around to posting something about my day-to-day Job Seeking activities....... 

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