Wednesday 11 April 2012

So THAT'S how LinkedIn works!

Hello there!  Apologies for my extended absence from the blogosphere - it's what comes of relying on the (excellent) local library for Internet access during the bank holiday season!

Again a quiet early part of last week.  A4E still have to confirm what training they've got lined up for me.  Their job club session was slightly enlivened by their LAN playing up a bit, limiting computer access there as well!  Since I've largely settled into a routine of working my way through the weekly list of C++ developer applications emailed to me by it wasn't really a problem.

No NW Hants JC (Easter Break!) on Thursday, but post signing-on on Wednesday I hung around Andover for a few hours (always a joy) to attend a really useful 'getting the most out of LinkedIn' session.  This is run (out of the goodness of their hearts, as far as I can tell!) by two local businessmen, Ian Malcolmson and Ed Thomas, on the first Wednesday of every month at the Wolversdene Club.  It was suggested at the start of the session that those present divide into two groups: total LinkedIn novices and an 'experienced' group of those with something approaching a workable presence in existence.

Much to my amazement the second group consisted of!  I'd never considered my LinkedIn presence to be anything more than scratching the surface, but I suppose all things are indeed relative!  This meant I had Ed's undivided and wholly supportive attention for the time I was able to stay, for which I am extremely grateful.  His advice was mainly concerned with the value of joining existing interest groups within LinkedIn, and even more pertinently, identifying a unique factor to justify establishing one's own group.  'Lone Dads with Blue-Haired Sons and a Desperate Urge to Reenter the World of Software Development' anyone? 

Ed's other suggestion, apart from some tweaks to the history in my profile (another work in progress slowed by lack of on-line time) was that I establish a link to this blog within my LinkedIn profile.

So, if you're a new reader who's stumbled into my ramblings via this route, a very warm welcome to you!

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