Friday 21 September 2012

Sometimes there's so much life to be lived that it's hard to find the time to write about it! (But sometimes it's just lack of application!)

The good folk at the NWHJC* have today made it abundantly clear to me that I have recently been guilty of extreme dereliction of duty, in that I haven't been providing them with the required updates on my life.
It does occur to me that their lives must be sadly lacking in excitement if reading about the trials and tribulations of my existence really offer them a meaningful and worthwhile diversion!  (These being nice people, the thought that there might be some schadenfreude involved hasn't even started to cross my mind.............................)

That moment when you realise that you've been
 thinking about the possibility of schadenfreude!

All that being said, however, now I've got this far I suppose I'd best commit the last month or so to digital perpetuity! (Who knows, maybe hundreds of years hence this could form the basis of some poor history student's doctoral thesis - or, more likely, not!)
Right then, into the fourth paragraph and I haven't actually said anything yet!  This is probably down to my not having got a very good handle on what's been going on over the last few weeks!
Again there seem to be two ways of looking at it: 
  1. It could be that all my available time has been legitimately taken up with activities not directly associated with the main thrust of 'Project Back to Work'. (I have, for instance (in no particular order) been getting younger son's requirements for his next year of college sorted out, finding space in an already-crowded flat for older son to stay until his new job actually pays him some money and trying to wrest the promised repayment of travelling expenses from the corporate wallet of the providers of my otherwise excellent NVQ Assessors course.  All this, of course, in conjunction with trying to run what might at a pinch be described as a household on a very short and frayed shoestring, submitting any number of applications for programming jobs (as much to satisfy the requirements of my continuing receipt of JSA as out of any REAL conviction that the software industry is suddenly going to realise how much it really, really needs me) and attending my obligatory weekly Work Programme session with A4e.
  2. Alternatively, it could also be that the time taken up by all of the above may have been somewhat inflated and used to provide a really handy set of displacement activities to get me out of knuckling down to finish my NVQ Assessment coursework. (Not that I don't want to do it you understand - it just looks a bit..........daunting now it has reached the point where I really need to get it done!)
I know which option I would like to see as the most realistic!

I also know (with, if I'm honest, far more certainty) which IS the true state of affairs!

So, to sum up: I really need to sit myself down to get this work done and submitted.  Then and only then will I be in a position to update my blog. (To do so beforehand would only be another activity to add into item (1) above!)


*North West Hampshire Job Club for anyone who hasn't been keeping up!