Tuesday 14 August 2012

Hello.........Is this thing switched on?

One of two things seems to be happening here - either I'm losing the interest of those few regular readers who were taking this journey with me, or the Blogspot readership stats are lying to me!

Either way, I'll plough on regardless, as exciting things are afoot (well, exciting to me anyway!)....

Having finally had my metaphorical palsied fingers prised away from the previously solid belief that a return to software development was my only valid course of action, suddenly a whole vista of possible alternatives seems to have started to open up for me.

So, after a false start or two, and in the spirit of 'strike while the iron is hot!'.......  

.....this Thursday marks my first session of training as an NVQ Assessor (in what is rather quaintly referred to as 'Computers'!)  Three days in the big city (or Southampton, whichever is nearer), followed by about five weeks of on-line exercises and the production of a real, tangible, paper-based portfolio and I'll (allegedly) be on the first steps of my bright and shiny new career.

I'll keep you posted (assuming there's still someone left out there to read it!)